Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Quick Note

We don't have Internet yet at out new house. It's one of the things on my list to take care of. We still have out computer set up here at out old house until we get Internet in the new one. I'm taking care of some things here today; so I thought I'd type up a quick update for all of you.

Saturday a lot of the menfolk from church, and even one guy Matt works with, came to help move all the big stuff. It was such a big help having all of them get all of that done. Our new house is starting to look like we live in it now. Matt still hasn't put all the kids' beds together and there's still a lot of boxes for me to unpack; but I really like the new house. It's really coming together and I have some neat ideas for it! Last night I made a fire in the fireplace. It felt nice to take some time to sit back and enjoy it all. There's probably only enough firewood to do that a few times, but the cold season is really coming to an end (I hope); but I would like to get some firewood for next year. I love having a fireplace (except if one of the kids gets burned) and it will save on the heating bill if we can burn the wood instead of use the heat. Sorry, still no pictures; but my life is so busy right now, it's crazy! We made plans to have a singing at our house this Saturday. I thought that would motivate me to get everything ready. I'm going to be very busy, but I'm looking forward to having everyone in my new home!

The old house still has a few things in it that I need to take to the new house. We have until the end of the month to get completely moved out and get the place cleaned up. Today I'm emailing our property management people because we can't get out dryer to work and then I'm going to stuff things in the van and take it to the new house. Well, I better go, so I can get started!

I just did spell-check, I didn't know that Internet had to be capitalized?? That's interesting.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Finally Posting Again!

Here I am finally posting again. It has been so long since I caught up in the blogging world. I've been reading people's blogs and it had been so long that I had to connect to the older blogs to see all the ones I had missed. I'm still not done reading everyone's blog, but I will get to it eventually. It was nice to catch up. I decided I better put a new post of my own. There's been a lot going on.

We took the kids to the zoo a few weeks ago, but I never posted about it because I wanted to post pictures and I haven't downloaded the pictures off my camera yet.

Matt and I took a much needed vacation for our 7th Anniversary (which is actually today) I will post more about it when I stop procrastinating the picture thing.

Here's the news that I feel like I will make a full length blog about (though I'm going to try to make it short because I have a lot to do)...

We are going to be moving again!!! We aren't moving to a different assembly, but our lease runs out on this house this month, so we applied for a different house and got approved! I'm not looking forward to the hassle of moving and having to get situated in a new house. It took me 6 months to feel like I was completely done moving into this house! Anyway, I am excited about this house! For some reason I'm really into houses and different floor plans. This house has some neat little quirks that makes it different and I think I'm going to like them.

I really feel like God blessed us with this house. When I got the application for the home, they said that their policy was to only accept applicants who's monthly bills were 65% or less of their monthly income. Ours is more than that, but we always pay our bills and house payment. I thought about not even applying because if we didn't get approved there was a nonrefundable application fee of $90. We decided to apply though because we liked the house so much and it was such a good deal.

The house we live in now is a great neighborhood, but it's a development neighborhood; so the houses are very close together, and we don't have much of a yard and there's really not parking for company. When we have company either us or them have to park a few blocks away. This new house we will be moving in has a decent sized yard and plenty of parking. It is in a more established neighborhood; so there are nice tall trees and the houses are more spread out. Even though its still in the city it has a more small town feel to it. The house is a little closer to the "main drag", which Matt wanted for commuting to work every day. It's also a 4 bedroom instead of 3 and 700 sq. foot more! All for only $55 more a month than we are paying now.

We are supposed to sign the lease and get the keys on Wednesday, and we're hoping to do most of the moving of the big stuff on Saturday. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to try to drive Christian to school for the rest of the school year since we'll be moving to a new area, or if I should just pull him out of school for the rest of the year. He's only in Kindergarten and there will only be a few more weeks of school anyway. What do all of you think?

I will try to post pictures when I put new batteries in my camera and get back to the house to take the pictures and stop putting off loading the pictures onto my computer.

Tomorrow the property management people for this house will be showing it; so today I'll be busy getting my house ready for that.

I'm sure this will prove to be a very busy week. My mom was so nice to me and has come to spend the week with me to help me get ready for everything. Thanks Mom!