Friday, February 1, 2008

Hundred Thousands Place

After reading Sis. Trina's blog titled "Faith in Children" I was reminded of something that happened quite a few years ago...

I was at my Aunt Mary's house helping her out. She homeschools her chidren and I used to go over there quite often to help her. That day Alyssa was working on her Math. She was learning about the number places (you know, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands etc.) Well she had gotten to the part where where she was supposed to be learning the hundred-thousands place. Now Alyssa is a smart girl; so it wasn't like she didn't understand her Math book. She just refused to believe that there was a such thing as the hundred-thousands place. No matter what we told her, or what her book said she would not do her work because there was no such thing! Needless to say we had a very frustrating day with her. We argued with her most of the day about it. She said she'd never heard of it before; so it wasn't so.

We were getting very aggrivated with her. It seemed like there was no way for us to get through to her so that she could continue with her schoolwork.

All of a sudden, it was like a light bulb came on in my head! I asked Alyssa if she believed what the Bible said; even if she wouldn't believe her me, her mom, or her schoolbook. She said she did; so I got a Bible and looked up in Numbers where the people were counted and found a place where there was a number that had a hundred-thousand place. I believe it was six-hundred-thousand something. Anyway, once she saw that it was in the Bible she finally was convinced it was real and went on with her schoolwork! It was as easy as that!

Looking back, it's kind of funny now; but it's always stuck with me that she believed the Bible when she wouldn't believe anything else. I hope that I instill that kind of faith in my children.


meNmykids said...

That is great, I have used the bible in my teaching quite a few times for the same type of reasons too.

Cherrie said...

Its funny how kids have there own think so's. They just need a little convincing.

Trina said...

That is a GREAT story! It seriously made me smile...