Friday, March 21, 2008

Humerous Tidbits

Matt and I have started getting the paper and there's a small section called the edge that has some pretty funny stuff in it. Some of it is a little too risque', but there were a few things that I thought I would post to give you all a little chuckle...

In Nanching, China, a young man, wanting to impress a woman he'd been set up on a date with, stole a motorcycle form in front of a supermarket, then drove it to pick up his date the following evening. When he arrived, the woman was furious because, as it turned out, the motorcycle he'd stolen belonged to her.

Percentage of Americans who Google themselves: 33 (Matt and I have done it)

Rank of "God" among the top Google searches beginning with "who is": 1
Rank of "Satan": 10
Rank of "Buckethead": 6

Amount of time it takes blood to circulate in your body: 23 seconds
Amount of money Exxon Mobil makes every time your blood circulates: $28,000

Number of new blogs that were created in the time it took you to read this sentence: 5

Just for a little bit of news about what I'm doing right now. I'm sitting here eating scrambled eggs and toast. I put mushrooms, ham, cheese and cilantro in my eggs and it is soooo good. I love cilantro and as I was trying to decide what I wanted in my eggs I had the brainstorm to use cilantro. It is REALLY good. You all ought to try it sometime!


Cherrie said...

Those eggs sound yummy, I never get creative with my eggs, maybe I will now. I bet that guys date ended quick.

Skylene said...

We eat cilantro a lot. I haven't tried it in eggs yet though. Sounds good.

Marisela said...

Those are interesting facts. We have been making omlets the last few Sundays for breakfast. Eggs aren't my favorite but I can handle them with alot of stuff in them. Cilantro may be good. I should try it :)