Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spending Time With Dad

I'm sorry everyone that it has taken me so long to make a new post. Life has been busy, but I still think I could have taken the time to post. After I get this posted I will try to take time to slowly catch up on everyone else's blog.

In my last post I had mentioned that I was going to go spend a few days in B-ville. He was actually doing a lot better than he had been, but he was still so weak and so much frailer looking than when I had last saw him. I left on a Tuesday and had planned to come back on Saturday morning. Matt had to work; so I left him behind at home by himself. Dad had a lot of visiting family while I was there, so he was in pretty good spirits. I spent a lot of time at Dad and Mom's house through the week, and I was doing pretty good dealing with Dad's illness, I thought. On Friday my pregnancy emotions got the better of me, and I had a pretty weepy day. Early that morning I was laying in bed feeling my baby move all over the place and I got to thinking about how I always like to have Dad there when I have my babies (not in the room, but in the house). It occurred to me that if he didn't get better that he may not be there this time. Anyway, throughout the day thoughts like that would creep up on me and I felt very emotional. I was trying to decide whether to come home Friday or wait until Saturday morning. After the day I had I really felt like I needed my husband; so I went home on Friday evening.

We spent this past weekend in B-ville too. It seems like Dad has stayed pretty much the same, except that maybe he's lost even more weight. It seems like they've been able to keep his bowels moving pretty regular. He's still really weak, but he's able to walk by himself (but not very far at a time) and get up and down by himself for the most part. What we're worried about now is that his stomach is so sensitive and he really can't eat very solid foods or he throws it up, or it really causes him a lot of pain and makes him get worse for awhile. He just hasn't been able to consume all the calories he needs. Matt and I found him a liquid diet that was 350 calories per 8 oz can, but the first time he drank some of it (about half a can) he threw quite a bit of it back up. He thought maybe it was a little too rich for him. Anyway, Mom has been trying to think of things that will be easy on his stomach and have lots of calories. I think they will try mixing the liquid diet with other things, or only give him a couple drinks at a time. Anyway, him and those that help him need prayers that they will know what to do for him. If anyone has any suggestions as to what to feed him I would love to hear it and will pass it on to my Mom.

I actually stayed up with Dad Saturday night. Matt slept in the spare room so I could get him if I needed his muscles. I didn't get much sleep until after 6 when I traded places with Matt so I could get some sleep, but I enjoyed the opportunity to help my Dad somehow. Sometimes when someone is sick like that you really don't know how to help them. Matt actually didn't wake me up until after church was over; so I missed church, but I'm glad I got to stay up with Dad.

You might pray for my Dad's spirit. It's so hard to keep a good attitude when your sick for so long. Just pray that he will have the grace to endure whatever God wants him too.

Thanks again for all your prayers.


Jules said...

I'm sorry, I do know what you're going through. It's horrible. I'm continuing to pray for your dad and for you & your family.

Skylene said...

I'm so sorry too that your Dad is so sick. I've been remembering him a lot. I'm glad to know that he is a little better. I hope that he continues improving.

Sis Stubby said...

I am so sorry to here about your Dadf. We will say a few prayers for.

Chantel H said...

Your Dad has been such a rock for the brethern. I know many are praying for him. We'll be praying for all of you.

Sis. Lori P. said...

Please call Sis. Dayna and she will tell you how she fed Sis. Brittany when she was so sick. We made this soup called Bieler Broth that she was able to keep down, it's really healthy and easy to make too. There are so many things she learned to get calories into Brittany when she could hardly eat anything.

meNmykids said...

We'll keep praying. Glad that you got to spend the time with him.

Sabriena said...

I don't know your Dad personally, but I have certainly been praying for him, and your whole family. I will continue, and I hope that things get a little more peaceful soon.

Then again, when I think about it, the peace comes from us (Well, from God to us), not the circumstances around us. So I will continue praying that God will send some peace down your way and everybody will be able to partake.

Trina said...

We will pray that he will have the grace to endure what God has in store for him. Your dad has been such a pillar in the NW, and we love him dearly!