Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Showing Care

I hope that you all aren't getting tired of me putting these kind of posts on, but I was reading my Bible again this morning and found a very interesting verse:

It's the 12th verse of the 7th Chapter of 2nd Corinthians. I believe that Paul is refering to his first letter to the Corinthians in this verse.

"Wherefore though I wrote unto you, I did it not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered the wrong, but that our care for you in the sight of God might appear unto you."

Reading this verse gave me a little different outlook on the kind of attitude to have when I want to help those that are in sin, discouraged etc. If I'm just out to fix a problem, that seems like a good cause, but I should really be out there helping them because I care for them as souls that God wants to save.

I know that sometimes I'm afraid to reach out to those that really need it because I'm afraid to push them farther away; but if I can have this right attitude. That I can truly be out to save their souls, and not just to fix everything that I see that's wrong in their life. If I can figure out how to convey to them that I just want to save their souls and not just point a finger at them I wonder if I could reach them better, and actually help them?

I really don't often extend myselves to help those that are truly in need of this kind of encouragement. It's really out of my comfort zone. There's sometimes that I think of different ones who have strayed from the faith and wonder if there's any way I can help them, but I don't act on that thought; besides praying for them of course. Maybe sometimes that's all God wants me to do, but if there's anything else I can do I sure would like to have the right attitude about it and do what I can to save them, "For God is not willing that any should perish."


Anonymous said...

Hi Tisha. We just got the internet and Aunt Sylvia told me how to find blogs. They are so much fun. Maybe sometime I'll make my own.

Cherrie said...

Showing care is so important. Hey we have the for sale sign out in the yard. So just pray it sells soon.

marykathryn said...

Great post Tisha....You are so right and the Lord is so merciful and I am thankful that he is aware of us all!!

Jules said...

Hey :) I like what you put us in mind of. I hope that people perceive me as a caring person. I'm sorry it took so long to leave a comment here, I thought I already had, but I guess I hadn't. Where have you been? I always check your blog for any new posts ;)

Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...

Like you I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing or come across as holier-than-thou. God knows that I'm not perfect, come short constantly, and have to work daily on my own sins and short comings. However, hopefully, no one else knows all of these things. hehe

Cherrie said...

Where or where is Tisha?????? Don't stay away as long as Mary did or we will have a problem.

Mrs.Martin said...

Beautiful post Tisha. I really enjoyed it.

meNmykids said...

Sorry to hear of your loss, we'll be remembering you all.