Thursday, January 3, 2008


I have debated about whether or not to post these, but I thought that if I put them on here; it might make me more motivated to work on these things. So here goes...

1. Stop being selfish. This is the one thing I can see that I need the most work on. There's a lot of things I can see in my life that need improvement and a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am a selfish person. This is a hard fact for me to admit, but believe me, it's true. There's a lot of aspects in my life that will get better if I stop having a "what's in it for me" attitude and just do things with an unselfish and willing heart. I really need prayers with this one.

2. Get closer to God. I know that I'm not nearly as close to the Lord as I need to; or even as close as I have been before. I want to get back to the relationship I once had with him where I could have conversations with him; and even say a little prayer for guidance and know what the Lord wants of me almost immediately. Sometimes I feel like I'm just floundering, not really sure how the Lord wants me to go about my life.

3. Get closer to my husband. I feel like Matt and I have a pretty good relationship, but lately things have been a little strained. We're not having major marital problems, mind you; but I can see where if we don't start repairing it when it's a little off, we could blink our eyes one day and wonder how our marriage got so horrible. however I think that if I can get the first 2 resolutions figured out this one will follow pretty easy.

4. Lose 15 lbs. This one is not nearly as important as the other 3, but I would really love to lose that extra 15 lbs. Last year I wanted to lose 20 lbs, but only lost 15. If I can lose 15 more I'll be right where I want to be.

There are so many other things I need to work on, but if I can fulfill these ones my life will be so much better; and I believe that so many aspects of my life will be affected by them.

This has been a little hard for me because I want everyone to believe that I am the perfect person with the perfect life (like they really believe that anyway), but the truth is I feel like I am so much worse than I feel like people perceive me. I see so many people that seem to have their life so much more together than I do. I really need help in these things and I would like the support and prayers of my blogging buddies. Thank you all very much!

1 comment:

Trina said...

Well Tisha I think you are doing a great job with your life. You are a good mommy, you adore your hubby, you have a heart to serve the Lord, and many other good qualities. However, there are always things we can and should work on. I want to support you in any way I can! Great resolutions!