Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's bound to happen...

This morning Matt and I didn't wake up until 9:30! Matt wasn't feeling real good; so he planned to stay home from church with a couple of the kids. I thought I had time to hurry up and go. I told Christian and ruby to hurry up and get ready, and we would just go through a drive through for breakfast. The baby was needing to eat; so I thought I would take care of that really quick. I sat down at my computer chair (which doubles as a rocking chair) I looked at my computer and it said it was 10:33! Yep! We forgot to set our clocks back. I guess it's bound to happen to someone, but why did it have to happen on the one Sunday morning when we slept in too late?

The ironic thing is that the baby woke up at 7 to eat, and I thought I had some time to sleep a little bit longer. If I'd have gotten up then it was actually 8! So if anybody is wondering why we didn't make it to church today...


meNmykids said...

Hahahah I have done that before. Quite the embarrassing thing when you actually get all the way to church without knowing. Everyone stares as you walk in an hour late.

Jules said...

LOL, the same thing, only opposite happened to us in the fall. We showed up to church, and NOONE was there. So we went home for close to an hour, and then went on to church. It messes us all up, huh? I wish they would do away with it altogether.

Tish said...


I agree, I wish they would do away with it too. I would like it if they kept it at this time. I love having extra daylight in the evenings.

Sis. Lori P. said...

We have a sweet sister here who gently reminds everyone each time the clock moves forward or back. You poor thing! I'll bet this never happens to you again?

Tish said...

The horrible thing is someone did remind me on Saturday; and then it completely slipped my mind before I went to bed!

Sabriena said...

We've had both ends of the spectrum, too. An hour late, and an hour early! I hope Bro. Matt is feeling better.