Friday, October 12, 2007

The Comfort of a baby

Garrison, my baby, is almost 1 now. I have 4 children and the oldest is 5. All of my children are about 1 1/2 years apart. After Anthony, life was getting pretty stressful with them being so close together; so we decided to slooow down. God had other plans! I'm so glad he did.

Garrison is such a joy! He's not a perfect baby by any means, but he's fairly happy and content. As I've posted before, our life has been pretty stressful at times lately. There's moments when things just aren't going right, there's even somtimes when I want to have the freedom to be in a bad mood (why do we do that sometimes? When we actually don't want to be cheered up?) Anyway, then I'll look at my baby or he looks at me with that sweet little face. I mean who wouldn't melt when they look into this face?

The circumstances haven't changed at all, but somehow just looking at my baby, or cuddling with him makes things seem better. It is very amazing the comfort that a baby can bring when they don't even do anything!

Just to clarify things, today has not been an aweful day. It actually went pretty well, but I just wanted to share this little bit of sweetness with you. I'm so thankful that God sent us this blessing. God sure knows what we need even if we don't agree. It so nice that God doesn't always do for us what we want. I would have missed out on a beautiful blessing named Garrison!


meNmykids said...

When Seth died the last thing I wanted was another baby right away. 9months later came Trent and God showed that He knew more than I did exactly what I needed to really heal. Trent is nothing like Seth was, but he was and is a fantastic comfort to me. Babies are amazing in their ability to comfort. Right you are!

Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...

Garrison is such a joy!!! I know I was concerned for you after the difficult delivery of Anthony. But God surely blessed you. I just wanted to let you know that he is a joy to us. I love my children and I rejoice in them, but more than anything I want them to be a joy to the brethern.

Marisela said...

Babies are such a comfort and a joy....They truly are a blessing from God.

Jules said...

Well, you do have a beautiful family! I can tell that you are a great mom!!! Your baby is adorable. Babies do bring so much joy! I haven't had a baby in 5 1/2 years. Sometimes I get to where I just want to have another little one, but life has not been good enough to bring another baby into the world (for us) for a long time. I want to get financially stable and continue to become more spiritual/marital stable also. But I'm so glad you have such joy in your life :)

Barbara Reed said...

I was very overwhelmed at the thought of another baby before I had Faith but she has been a joy to us from the first. Today she spent the day singing to all of us at the top of her lungs the abc's and twinkle twinkle little star. She is such a joy to us, I'm thankful God saw fit to give her to us.